How to Find the Best Houses for Rent

This commodity is the second function in a serial near moving:
Role 1 |
14 Tips for Finding the Best Neighborhood
Office three |
Discover a Low-Cost Mover without Getting Scammed
Part 4 | How to Plan, Purge, and Pack for Your Adjacent Movement
Part 5 |
The Ultimate Moving Checklist for Families

I confess that I'm 40 and I have yet to purchase a house.  Not that I don't want to.  Lack of funds and a vagabond lifestyle have conspired to keep us writing those hire checks, fifty-fifty as we raise a family.

I do look forward to buying a house someday.  Partly because it simply feels skilful.  Partly because it seems like renting is not financially wise.

But not all hold that buying a house is the best investment.

Is Renting Sometimes Meliorate than Buying?

Emily Peck of the Wall Street Journal's Juggle column argues in Why Homeownership is a Bad Idea that "Ane of the lessons of the housing bosom has been that a home is not a sure-thing investment. A point driven home recently by columnist Brett Arends, who writes that the real return on buying a home is lower than buying regime bonds."

That said, ownership a house is not simply a financial conclusion.  Amidst warnings not to overspend, marketing genius Seth Godin points out in How to Purchase a House:

A firm is non just an investment, it's a place to live. This is the only significant financial investment that has two functions. Things similar cars and boats always go downward in value, and so most of the fourth dimension, if you're investing, you're doing it in something that you don't take to prepare, water, fuel or alive in.

Y'all're probably not going to exist able to flip your house in 9 months for a big turn a profit. Maybe not even nine years. Then … imagine that there is no financial investment, merely a house yous beloved. And spend accordingly.

Finally, Get Rich Slowly has a thorough article that explains ways to figure out whether renting or buying is more advantageous for you:  Does Renting Brand Sense?

Reasons to Rent Instead of Buy

  • Y'all don't have a down payment, you can't afford the mortgage installments, or y'all tin't authorize for a loan. (Uh, that would be me.)
  • You might be moving in iii years or less.  (Okay, that's me besides.)  These days, the corporeality of time you need to stay in a business firm for it appreciate enough to cover inflation and endmost costs might be fifty-fifty longer.
  • You are not handy, yous don't have a green thumb, and yous don't ever want to unclog a gutter.  (I take acknowledge, I love existence able to call the management visitor when the furnace breaks, the sink bleed is irksome, or the dishwasher goes kaput.)
  • You are new to a metropolis and you know very footling about the area.  Renting tin can be a great way to buy time as y'all figure out where yous really desire to live.  (A house is not an isle.  Finding the best neighborhood should exist the first stride in your search.)  For more on this idea, see Moving? Rent First, Ask Questions Afterwards from Get Rich Slowly.

12 Ways to Find a Really Good Business firm to Rent

Let'due south face information technology:  if you have a family with schoolhouse-age children, the stigma of living in "the apartments" is not one you lot want to foist on your kids if you lot can avoid it.

Ofttimes, it is totally possible to notice a great house to rent for the same price as a garden apartment with a leasing office and cockroaches in the laundry room.  Amazing, merely true.  Y'all merely need the resources to find these houses.  Here are my all-time:

1.  Read 14 Tips for Finding the Best Neighborhood

If you tin narrow down your area of focus earlier looking for houses, y'all can really concentrate your efforts in a place where y'all are most likely to be happy.

2.  Sabbatical Homes

If there is any kind of higher or university in your city, Sabbatical Homes is an off-the-beaten-track way to find a well-loved home that is being temporarily vacated.  Unremarkably these houses belong to professors, but non necessarily.

Plus, if you desire to get your business firm nailed down sooner rather than afterwards, breather homes are often advertised way ahead of time, since people usually plan these things in advance.

3.  For Rent Past Owner

While For Rent By Owner listings are not almost as extensive as Craigslist, effort this website if you desire to get out no stone unturned.  To get more results, search for the name of a city or town (not just a nothing lawmaking).

4.  Contact the Neighborhood Association

If you've identified a few neighborhoods that look interesting to you, contact the citizens' association to encounter if they can offer any communication on finding rentals in the surface area.  If you lot tin can't find a civic clan, try calling the township itself.  Usually a Google search for the proper noun of the village volition yield an official website.

5.  Bulldoze Effectually and Expect for RENT signs

Okay, it's old-fashioned, merely so are some landlords.  Certain homeowners shy away from ad to the public, hoping someone in the neighborhood will know someone who needs to hire a house.

6.  Give-and-take of Oral cavity with Whatsoever and All Contacts

If you accept made contacts with anyone in your future area, always mention you are looking for a rental firm.  It might be helpful to mention how many bedrooms you lot need and a price range also.  Again, some homeowners do non want to hire to just anyone, and will look for that friend of a friend — which could be you lot.

7.  Spread the Word with Email Listserv Groups

The 21st century version of driving around neighborhoods is broadcasting online.  Join an e-mail group that is centered in your expanse of interest.  Often neighborhoods, metro areas, schools or local parenting groups will accept their own electronic mail list or electronic message lath.

As I mention in 14 Tips for Finding the Best Neighborhood, search the online version of the local paper for manufactures nigh parenting or mom groups.  Another way to discover people with similar interests is to search Yahoo Groups, Google Groups, or MeetUp.

If yous are having trouble finding a parenting group in your surface area, endeavour joining a national grouping with local connections or capacity.  Try Mamapedia (complimentary), the International MOMS Club, Holistic Moms (yearly membership fee of $45, which gives you admission to a national and local email loop), or Mothers of Preschoolers (MOPS).

8.  Craigslist & Newspapers — Housing Wanted

The "apts / housing" section of Craigslist may be your largest source of exercise-information technology-yourself rental houses out there.  However don't overlook putting out your own advert under "housing wanted."

Try writing something similar "Responsible Family Looking for 4 BR" and, in the description field, say a petty something personal almost yourself and why you lot would make a expert renter.  You lot might want to leave the price category blank to keep your options open.

Similarly, you could attempt the analog version:  post a housing wanted ad in the local newspaper or town newsletter.  In that location are still plenty of landlords who are non hip to the whole online matter, and then you might just catch the perfect gem this manner.

ix.  Discover Realtors that Deal with Rentals

When we were looking for a business firm to hire in Syracuse, everyone we talked to recommended their real estate amanuensis.  Invariably this amanuensis had helped them buy a house, simply was not very interested in helping us rent 1.

Even though an amanuensis's fee is typically 1 month's hire, one-half of that corporeality often goes to the agency and another percent towards fees and other expenses.  So the monetary motivation is practically nil.

To find an amanuensis who will really assist you, contact an agency that seems to be prominent in your area of interest (cheque to run into who is listing most of the habitation sales), and ask for the amanuensis that deals with rentals.  Often this person is starting out and is happy to prove you around in hopes that someday you will become a future (buying) client of hers.

At the very to the lowest degree, the agent should put y'all in the system to become automatic electronic mail updates when a new house comes up for rent.

x.  Do-It-Yourself Real Estate Sites

If you lot adopt not to work with an amanuensis during the looking stage, real estate search engines like and Trulia also take rental listings.

11.  Moderate Income Housing

When we were moving to the Washington, DC, area, we establish a city program that fix aside a certain number of rental apartments — sometimes in upscale buildings or townhouse complexes — for families with moderate incomes.  Unfortunately, virtually of these apartments had long waiting lists, simply it'southward worth a try if you recall you might authorize.

Endeavor searching online for your city and the words "moderate income housing" to see if whatsoever programs be in your expanse.

12.  Look for Houses That Are Not Selling

How practice y'all know?  In a free real manor site like Redfin or Trulia, search for homes that accept been on the market place a long time or whose prices have been reduced.  Another place to search is For Sale Past Owner.

If you like the business firm, contact the agent and see if the owners would consider renting.  Many homeowners accept already bought some other house and can't afford a double mortgage.

Lisi George of Cincinnati, Ohio, says she found her business firm this way.  When her hubby accepted a job in her home town of Cincinnati, their business firm in Colorado had non sold.  Their realtor suggested that they leave most of the furniture, because the home showed well with information technology.

Knowing they wanted to rent for a short time and somewhen buy in the neighborhood she grew upwardly in, Lisi explains:

We called the ii individuals in the customs that nosotros heard rented homes and they had nothing available.  We were working with a realtor in Cincinnati to first the house hunt, but she had no homes.  And so I got online and researched homes that had been on the marketplace since nosotros had left 2 1/2 years earlier.  Unfortunately with the housing market the way it was, in that location were a few homes nevertheless listed.

One abode was endemic by some friends from Connecticut, and nosotros knew that they had been transferred to Arizona and owned two homes.  I idea, if I were in that situation, I would dearest to accept at to the lowest degree some coin while we waited for a buyer.

They wanted to take the dwelling off the market for a few months, so when I called it was perfect timing.  I told them that nosotros would accept intendance of the business firm, and when they put it back on the market I would be willing to testify the home.  They asked me for suggestions on remodeling that might help the firm sell.  We concluded up renting for 8 months.

The owners kept the electrical and water bills in their proper noun and just e-mailed me the amounts and I wrote them checks for these.  They found a rental contract online and nosotros used that signed agreement. It worked out corking for both of us.

Lisi made a personal understanding with the owners, who were friends, but real estate agencies bargain with rentals all the time, so the the process can hands be officialized.

Also it's non necessary to be willing to show the business firm.  Almost owners will take the house off the market while you lot are renting it.

Long-Altitude Tip: If you are interested in a house yous found online, try checking out the neighborhood with Google Maps' Street View .

Go to Google Maps and type in the address. If Street View is bachelor in your area, a piddling man higher up the zoom arrow volition light upward yellow. Just elevate him to the location you want and streets that have been photographed volition light upward with a blueish outline.  Use the arrows to walk downwardly the street, become a 360 view, or zoom in on a sure house.

I also like Bing Maps' Bird's Eye View. Just type in the address, hit Aeriform then Bird's eye for an overhead vista of the house and the neighborhood.

Tin y'all share any tips on how to notice a good rental house?

This commodity is the 2d office in a series about moving:
Role i |
14 Tips for Finding the Best Neighborhood
Part 3 |
Notice a Depression-Cost Mover without Getting Scammed
Role four | How to Plan, Purge, and Pack for Your Next Move
Part 5 |
The Ultimate Moving Checklist for Families

Photo credits:  Ruby-red townhouse and porch, portal, white picket fence.


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