What Stage of a Beef Animals Life Requires the Highest Protein

As ruminant animals, cattle have a digestive system that allows them to assimilate roughage, similar hay and grass, and concentrates such every bit barley grain or dry distillers' grains, through the activeness of a diverse microbial community in the rumen. Cattle require energy, protein, h2o, vitamins and minerals in suitable amounts to provide adequate nutrition. Requirements will differ depending on the animal's class, historic period, condition, and stage of production1. Feed costs, including both grazed and conserved feed, are the greatest expense associated with beef cattle operations. Since nutrition is often the most important factor influencing reproductive operation, managing feed resource at a reasonable cost to consistently accomplish high reproductive rates will assist ensure profitability for beef cattle operations. In the backgrounding and feedlot sectors, feed costs and feed conversion efficiency significantly touch on profitability. Across all sectors of the beefiness cattle manufacture, feed quality, price, and efficient digestion/assimilation/conversion are key factors in animate being health, reproduction, performance and profitability.

On this Folio

  • Key Points
  • The Ruminant Digestive Arrangement
  • Key Nutrients Required by Cattle
    • Energy
    • Protein
    • H2o
    • Minerals
    • Salt
    • Vitamins
  • Feed Sources and Quality - Impact on Diet
  • Factors Affecting Nutrient Requirements
  • Determination
  • Definitions

Key Points

  • Gradual diet changes (over 2 to 3 weeks) are necessary to allow the rumen microbial population to adjust to changes in the nutrition
  • Immature, actively growing forages and legume blends can often meet the nutritional requirements for normal growth and maintenance of cattle herds.  Mature pastures, ingather residues, or other depression-quality forages may have reduced nutritive value, requiring supplementation of protein, energy or boosted vitamins and minerals to maintain optimal wellness
  • Energy is necessary for maintenance (feed digestion, core body functions, and action requirements) and to support growth, lactation and reproduction. Information technology accounts for the largest proportion of feed costs and is the nutrient required by cattle in the largest amount
  • Neutral detergent fibre (NDF) and acrid detergent fibre (ADF) are indicators of the amount of fibre in a forage. Higher values indicate poorer digestibility and voluntary intake may be reduced
  • Poly peptide is required for maintenance, growth, lactation and reproduction. It is a component of muscles, the nervous system and connective tissue
  • Water is an essential nutrient for cattle, accounting for between 50 and 80 % of an animal's alive weight. Insufficient water intake reduces beast performance faster and more dramatically than any other nutrient deficiency
  • At least seventeen minerals are required past beefiness cattle and are divided into two groups: macrominerals and microminerals
  • Although minerals are required in small amounts for optimum beef cattle health, a deficiency tin can cause significant reductions in growth, allowed role and reproduction
  • Mineral needs will vary between herds based on many factors, including water and feed sources, stress, animal type and stage of production. There is no "one size fits all" mineral blazon or programme
  • Mineral toxicity may be indicated by decreased animal performance, anorexia, weight loss and diarrhea
  • Vitamins support many vital metabolic processes in cattle
  • Forage is an economical source of nutrients; even so, feed quality and mineral content tin can vary widely, and then feed testing and advisable supplementation may be necessary to run across nutritional requirements
  • Most forage species accept the highest quality at the vegetative phase, when leaves are lush and green, and stems are young and supple. At this stage, these forages may be able to supply most of the nutrition that the cattle require
  • Cognition of forage quality and animal requirements is necessary to formulate rations that volition support and maintain a high plane of nutrition
  • Nutritional requirements of beefiness cattle are influenced past the stage of production

The Ruminant Digestive Arrangement

Ruminant animals take a circuitous digestive system with a four-chambered stomach. Each chamber (reticulum, rumen, omasum and abomasum) plays a role in digesting livestock feeds. Microorganisms colonize the reticulum and rumen (frequently collectively termed the reticulo-rumen) and allow cattle to digest feedstuffs high in fibre, such equally grasses, straw and other forages. Balancing the requirements of the rumen microorganisms and the animal is essential for creature performance.

Cattle accept large bites of feed and swallow with little chewing. Afterwards, they regurgitate masses of feed back up the esophagus and into their mouths, where it is chewed into smaller pieces and swallowed. This procedure is known as rumination or chewing cud. Between threescore to seventy% of digestion occurs in the reticulo-rumen, which acts like a fermentation vat where bacteria and protozoa convert most of the constitute fibre and carbohydrates to acetic, propionic or butyric acid (brusk chain fatty acids) and convert much of the ingested poly peptide to microbial protein. The brusque chain fatty acids are captivated through the reticulo-rumen wall and are used as energy in body tissues. Some of the sugar, starch and pectin may pass through the rumen and are so digested in the abomasum and small intestine.

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Microbes in the rumen require an anaerobic (oxygen free) environment with a slightly acidic pH range (6.five - 7.0), a supply of protein (or non-protein nitrogen) and carbohydrates to feed the microbial population2. The type of feed influences growth of the leaner. Different rumen microbes prefer different types of carbohydrates (starch, cellulose, hemicellulose, starch, and pectin) and will increase or decrease in number depending upon the ratio of different carbohydrates within the diet. Because the various leaner and protozoa digest cellulose, hemicellulose and starch differently, sudden changes to cattle diets can affect rumen activeness. For example, a rapid modify to a high energy diet with more grain can upshot in digestive disorders such equally bloat and acidosis. Long periods of acidosis can too damage the rumen wall, potentially assuasive bacteria to colonize the liver, causing abscesses3. For these reasons, gradual changes (over two to three weeks) are necessary to allow the rumen microbial population to suit to changes in the diet. Nutrients that are non used for the microbes' growth pass out of the reticulo-rumen to supply nutrients for the animal's growth and reproduction.

Key Nutrients Required by Cattle

Immature, actively growing forages and legume blends tin can ofttimes meet the nutritional requirements for normal growth and maintenance of cattle herds. Mature pastures, ingather residues, or other depression-quality forages may have reduced nutritive value, requiring supplementation of protein, free energy or additional vitamins and minerals to maintain optimal health. Certain nutrients are required in the daily ration, while others tin can be manufactured and stored in the body.

Cattle require 5 key nutrients:

  • energy
  • poly peptide
  • h2o
  • minerals
  • vitamins


Energy is necessary for maintenance (feed digestion, core torso functions, and action requirements) and to support growth, lactation, and reproduction1. It accounts for the largest proportion of feed costs and is the nutrient required by cattle in the largest amount. The components of feed that decide its energy content include carbohydrates, fats and proteins. On a feed exam, energy content is normally expressed as total digestible nutrients (TDN); even so, more precise terms such as metabolizable energy (ME) or net energy (NE) for maintenance (NEm) or product (NEone thousand) may exist preferred past nutritionists. These terms amend reflect the amount of energy from feed that contributes to animal productivity. Energy deficiency caused past depression intake or poor feed quality volition limit growth, decrease milk production, reduce torso condition, and (depending on timing and duration) may have negative consequences for reproduction.

Gross energy (GE) is the total amount of energy in the feed. Only non all this energy is available to the fauna. Feed energy is lost as it passes through the animal and is excreted as feces, urine, various gases, and heat. These losses are a normal consequence of feed digestion and the amount of free energy lost at each step differs based on the quality of the feed. Digestible free energy (DE) provides an indication of the portion of energy that the creature can digest, with the help of the rumen microbes. Metabolizable energy (ME) is the amount of free energy available to the brute for metabolism and trunk functions later losses in energy from rumen fermentation (carbon dioxide, methane) and urine have been accounted for. Cyberspace free energy (NE) is the amount that is available to the brute to maintain itself, grow, produce milk and reproduce.

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Neutral Detergent Fibre (NDF, %) indicates the amount of fibre content in the plant. High levels of NDF (above 70%) volition restrict beast intake. More mature forages will have higher NDF levels.

Acid Detergent Fibre (ADF, %) measures the least digestible portions of the forage plants, such every bit cellulose and lignin. Loftier ADF indicates poor digestibility of the feed. Loftier quality legumes generally have ADF values betwixt 20-35%, while grasses can range from 30-45%.

Neutral detergent fibre (NDF) and acrid detergent fibre (ADF) are indicators of the corporeality of fibre in a fodder. Higher values signal poorer digestibility and voluntary intake may be reduced.

NDF is a measure of the "bulkiness" of the diet and is mainly hemicellulose, cellulose, and lignin just due to limitations in the analysis it also includes a portion of the protein and insoluble ash in the institute. When NDF increases, animals swallow less. ADF measures cellulose and lignin and is an indication of digestibility and energy intake. When plants mature, lignin content increases, resulting in higher ADF and reduced digestibility. Feeds loftier in ADF are less digestible than those high in starches and sugars. The starches and sugars in feed are classified equally non-structural carbohydrates (NSC). Even in forages, NSC are an important source of energy.


Poly peptide is required for maintenance, growth, lactation and reproduction. It is a component of muscles, the nervous system and connective tissueane . Protein requirements depend on cattle age, growth rate, pregnancy and lactation status. Young, growing cattle, as well as those in late pregnancy or lactation, have increased protein requirements.

About protein that ruminants ingest is cleaved downwards past the rumen microorganisms and resynthesized every bit microbial poly peptide. Forages comprise crude protein (CP) in two forms. The greatest portion of protein in fodder is referred to as true protein, but forages also contain depression amounts of non-protein nitrogen (NPN), which rumen microbes can employ to synthesize microbial protein.

True poly peptide in forages can exist further classified as rumen undegradable protein (RUP or rumen featherbed poly peptide) and rumen degradable poly peptide (RDP). RUP are peptides and amino acids that are digested in the abomasum and absorbed in the pocket-size intestine, while RDP is degraded or broken down by the microbial population in the rumen into ammonia and volatile fatty acids. Microorganisms in the rumen combine the ammonia supplied by RDP or other non-protein nitrogen sources (east.1000. urea) with rumen digestible carbohydrates to synthesize microbial rough protein (MCP). MCP is digested in the abomasum, with the resultant amino acids absorbed in the modest intestine. The corporeality of poly peptide that reaches the small intestine depends upon the availability of RDP and the rumen digestible carbohydrate. If energy is scarce in the diet, surplus ammonia is converted to urea in the liver and then lost through urine. If protein is scarce in the diet, digestibility of fibre decreases due to diminished microbial activity and muscle will exist degraded to meet the animal'due south requirements for amino acids for core torso functions.

Microbial protein makes up shut to seventy% of all protein absorbed from the minor intestine and the poly peptide contributions from microbes may be close to 100% for cattle fed depression-quality provender.

In almost cow-calf diets, forages with adequate digestibility will provide enough MCP to meet the cows' requirements. Just, for animals with higher protein demands, like growing calves or lactating cows, information technology tin can be beneficial to feed proteins that bypass the rumen and are absorbed in the small intestine, improving protein bioavailability. Actress protein tin can be provided by feeds that are high in RUP, like alfalfa dehydrated pellets, distillers' grains, or alternative feeds like canola meal. Most forages have higher levels of RDP, especially legumes.

During summer months, while forages and legumes are actively growing, they may supply upwardly to 20% rough protein (CP) with a high level of RDP, just during the winter, protein levels drop off dramatically. Native pasture, for example, may test as low as 3-vii% CP. Putting up good quality feed is key to supplying the beef herd with adequate quality forage sources through the wintertimefour.


Water is an essential nutrient for cattle, accounting for between 50 and lxxx percent of an brute'south alive weight. Insufficient water intake reduces animal functioning faster and more dramatically than any other nutrient deficiency. For livestock to maximize feed intake and production, they require daily access to palatable water of adequate quality and quantity. Factors that determine water consumption include air and h2o temperature, humidity, wet content of the feed/forage, cattle blazon (calf, yearling, bull, cow), the physiological state of the beast (gestation, maintenance, growing, lactating) and water quality.

Total dissolved solids (TDS) is the main indicator of water quality and is a measure of dissolved inorganic salts in water. TDS is impacted by high or low pH levels, sulphates, nitrates, salinity, excessive mineral levels, algae and bacteria. Testing water sources to ensure that cattle take access to adequate amounts of quality water is important.

The four principal functions of water in the body are:

  • to help eliminate waste products of digestion and metabolism
  • a major component of secretions (milk, saliva) also equally individual and fetal growth
  • as an assist in torso's thermoregulation processes through evaporation of water/sweat from the pare's surface and respiratory tract
  • to regulate claret pressure level5

Read more about water requirements for beef cattle here.

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At least seventeen minerals are required by beefiness cattle and are divided into two groups: macrominerals and microminerals. Macrominerals are those required in relatively large amounts for actual functions, while micro or trace minerals are required in much smaller amounts.

The vii macrominerals required past cattle are calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), phosphorus (P), potassium (1000), sodium (Na), chlorine (Cl) and sulphur (S). Macrominerals are required in amounts over 100 parts per meg (ppm) and are often expressed on a pct (%) dry matter (DM) basis of the animal's diet.

Beef cattle crave x microminerals, also referred to equally trace minerals. These microminerals, required in relatively small amounts are unremarkably expressed in parts per 1000000, (ppm) or mg/kg, rather than as a pct of the diet. They are chromium (Cr), cobalt (Co), copper (Cu), iodine (I), iron (Atomic number 26), manganese (Mn), selenium (Se), and zinc (Zn).

Producers strive to provide adequate levels of macro and microminerals without over-supplementing, which increases costs, tin create nutritional antagonisms, and increases potential for mineral loss through manure and urine6.

Minerals are required for several functions:

  • skeletal development, bone, tooth germination and maintenance (includes Ca, P, Mg, Cr)
  • free energy, growth, immunity, and reproduction (includes P, Cu, Zn, Mn, Se)
  • milk production (includes Ca and P)
  • nervous system function and carbohydrate metabolism (Mg, Thousand, Na, Cl, S, Co, I, Fe)

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Although minerals are required in relatively pocket-sized amounts for optimum beef cattle health, a deficiency tin can cause significant reductions in growth, immune function and reproduction. The concentration of individual minerals in forages varies profoundly depending on soil, establish, and direction factors. It is important to include mineral assay of forages equally role of regular feed testing. There are besides several interactions that can occur betwixt minerals, vitamins and water or feed sources that can limit availability or absorption. As a issue, the minerals that are really available to the cattle may exist much lower than predictable because of these interactions. Even though concentrations found in forages may appear to be sufficient, availability to the animal may be significantly less. This can cause deficiencies which may not exist noticed by producers until a significant reproductive or health outcome arises.

In this blog, a Saskatchewan producer explains the problems that he experienced with copper deficiency.

Dr. Cheryl Waldner, NSERC/BCRC Industrial Enquiry Chair in One Health and Production-Limiting Diseases, and Professor at the Western College of Veterinary Medicine explains that first and second calf heifers are nigh probable to exhibit signs of copper deficiency, such as lower conception rates. The cost of open cattle can quickly impact profitability. Waldner suggests that a properly balanced, palatable mineral mix exist offered twelvemonth-round to ensure optimal herd health and fertility.  Recent inquiry in Saskatchewan revealed that forages sampled in spring and fall independent inadequate levels of copper and zinc for beef cows and growing calves in all soil zones. Additionally, up to 43% of the cows involved in the study were deficient in copper. Producers may notice some early signs of copper deficiency manifesting equally a chocolate-brown or reddish tinge in black haired cattle.

Other problems that can arise due to mineral deficiencies include grass and winter tetany, white musculus disease, weak bones, hairless calves, goiter, scours, foot rot, retained placentas, low weaning weights, and reduced fertility.

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Trace mineral supplements are divided into 3 groups: inorganic, organic and hydroxy trace minerals.

Inorganic minerals are bonded to an inorganic molecule such as sulphate or oxide. They are usually less expensive simply often take more variability in formulations and are less bioavailable. Inorganic minerals are ofttimes a showtime choice for producers due to affordability but may sacrifice availability and absorption. The absorption of inorganic mineral from the gastrointestinal tract can be less than v percentvii.  In sure instances, such equally with copper, inorganic minerals may be more decumbent to antagonisms with other mineralsviii. Simply feeding more inorganic mineral to commencement these potential issues volition not exist successful and may crusade more problems if levels of detail minerals become too high.

  • Organic (chelated) minerals are bonded to a carbon containing molecule. These are usually more expensive but have improved absorption and availability to the animal. Producers more often than not use chelated minerals if mineral antagonisms exist in their area, such as high molybdenum or sulphur, which reduces copper availability. Chelated minerals are as well used when animals are stressed, such as during weaning, or to ensure a loftier nutritional airplane for procedures such as synchronization or artificial insemination on heifers.
  • Hydroxy trace minerals have a crystalline construction that protects metal ions and allows trace minerals to bypass rumen digestion, thereby increasing bioavailability. Often available at a mid-range price, they are beingness utilized by some producers for cattle in high stress situations, such as weaning or artificial insemination.

With improved trace mineral assimilation, producers report heavier weaning weights, increased average daily gain, improved reproductive efficiency, improved calving outcomes, and fewer health problems. Some also report reduced incidence of pinkeye, foot rot, scours and respiratory problems.

Mineral needs will vary between herds based on many factors, including h2o and feed sources, stress, animal type and stage of production. There is no "one size fits all" mineral type or program. Many mineral mixtures are bachelor on the market, from loose mineral that can be offered free pick or mixed into a ration, to various molasses-based lick tubs that incorporate vitamins, minerals, and frequently some protein.

When rations incorporate grass hay, alfalfa, or a mixture of the ii, calcium and phosphorus ordinarily demand to be supplemented in a 1:ane ratio (one part calcium to 1 office phosphorus). When feeding cereal provender rations, such as oat or barley greenfeed, a ii:1 or even 3:one mineral mixture may be required to provide a balanced mineral mixture. Exist sure to consult with a nutritionist to ensure proper supplementation.

Producers must monitor animals for signs of deficiencies or potential toxicity, and work with their veterinarian and nutritionist to ensure adequate levels and to right any issues. Mineral toxicity may be indicated by decreased animal functioning, anorexia, weight loss and diarrhea. Information technology tin can atomic number 82 to urinary calculi from excess phosphorus or inadequate calcium to phosphorus ratio, grass tetany from excess potassium leading to reduced absorption of magnesium, and polioencephalomalacia from excess sulphur. Some minerals such as copper, tin become "tied up" or jump to other minerals nowadays in feed and water. In these instances, the mineral will not be bachelor to the cattle in the amounts required. If producers are using feed tests to balance mineral needs, animals may still be deficient due to reduced bioavailability.

An brute's nutrition or ration will determine the type of mineral mix required to run into brute requirements. Grass is often low in calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and sodium, while alfalfa or other legumes are by and large higher in calcium.

The following label contains the breakdown of a loose mineral that would be considered a iii:one calcium to phosphorus ratio and may be used past producers feeding cereal greenfeed forages.

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Cattle will often demonstrate a preference for sure mineral mixes or molasses lick tubs, which can create challenges in terms of daily intake when feeding complimentary choice. While recommended mineral intake is about 60 grams (two ounces) per head per day, when fed costless pick some cattle volition over-consume mineral, while others may avoid it altogether. Monitor the herd to determine which cattle are frequently at the mineral stations and which cattle may non be consuming acceptable amounts. Some producers written report amend intake when they offering choices of dissimilar mineral mixes, such every bit loose and lick tubs. Others report that moving the mineral stations a piffling farther from water sources to encourage grazing on less utilized areas of pasture caused mineral consumption to drop off slightly.

Ensure that there are enough stations for the number of cattle; a mutual recommendation is i mineral station for every 20-30 head. When feeding cows with calves at side, more than stations may be necessary to ensure that the calves have admission, as dominant, mature cows will often outcompete calves for mineral. When possible, work with a nutritionist to formulate an appropriate mineral blend for each operation.

In the following video from Beefiness Research School, Dr. John McKinnon explains what factors producers should consider when designing a mineral program. He also provides tips for achieving ideal consumption.


Examples of salt blocks in various formulations. Photo credit Tamara Carter.

Although the common salt requirement for beef cattle is relatively low, cattle will seek out common salt. Loose salt mixed into mineral blends tin help increment intake to ensure acceptable amounts are being consumed. Table salt can also be used to encourage cattle to graze underutilized areas of pastures, by placing further away from water and areas where cattle tend to congregate.

Many producers cull an iodized salt block to ensure adequate iodine intake, especially in areas known to have iodine deficient soils. The normal requirement for iodine in a beef cattle diet is 0.5 ppm of the total nutrition and can usually be provided with iodized common salt blocks. Additional iodine may exist necessary if feeding embrace crops such as brassicas including turnips, rapeseed or kale which comprise compounds that inhibit iodine uptake from the gut. While higher toll, salt blocks that contain trace minerals such as copper, zinc, cobalt and selenium may be used for herds that have experienced problems with foot rot. While these table salt blocks can supply small amounts of sure minerals, additional supplementation with loose or lick tub formulations may nonetheless be necessary to provide and maintain adequate mineral levels.


Vitamins back up many vital metabolic processes in cattle. They are inorganic compounds that are required in modest amounts. The age and product status of the animal volition impact vitamin requirements. Vitamins A, D, East and Yard are fatty soluble and are stored in the animal's fat tissue and liver. Because of this, they do not need to be supplemented daily if the animal has acceptable reserves. These vitamins are present in feed sources and are responsible for key metabolic processes inside the animate being, and thus are important to monitor to ensure deficiencies practice not develop. Fresh, leafy forages generally comprise adequate levels of vitamin A and E, however, drought, fodder processing and extended storage periods can reduce levels. While supplementation of A, D, Due east and Yard may not be required during the summer months, supplementation is recommended during winter months, especially prior to calving. The primary functions of vitamins A, D, E and K are:

  • Vitamin A - essential for bone, teeth and nerve development, eyesight, kidney part, and soft tissue maintenance. Vitamin A is frequently low in newborn calves, and immature animals by and large accept smaller reserves than older animals. Deficiencies, which may manifest initially as rough hair glaze, boring eyes, diarrhea and pneumonia, can progress and cause reduced bone development and density, decreased fertility, night blindness, reduced feed efficiency and increased susceptibility to disease. Cows with deficiencies may abort, accept weak calves, or be difficult to settle. Vitamin A is stored in the liver, but without an outside source, these liver stores will exist depleted subsequently two to iii months. Carotene is converted to vitamin A from beta carotene, plant in green forages and yellow corn,ix in the small intestine. Weather condition that may require supplementation include periods of greater stress, such as weaning or transportation, feeding stored forages during winter that have reduced carotene levels, and feeds or water with higher nitrate levels.
  • Vitamin D - required for calcium and phosphorus metabolism, as well as teeth and os evolution. It is synthesized by the sun or by eating sun cured forages. Early signs of deficiency include poor appetite, decreased growth in calves, weakness, stiff gait and laboured animate. Soft basic, rickets, and bloated joints develop if deficiencies continue. Pregnant animals with a vitamin D deficiency may abort or take weak, plain-featured or stillborn calves.
  • Vitamin E - required for muscle development and occurs naturally in feedstuffs.
  • Vitamin K - required for blood clotting and is usually sufficient in light-green forages. Rumen bacteria mostly make sufficient quantities of vitamin M from feed sources. Feeding some clovers, especially if mouldy, interferes with the production of vitamin K due to a compound called dicoumarol present in clover.

Vitamin C and the B vitamins (thiamin, niacin, choline) are water soluble. Calves receive vitamin B from milk, and in one case the rumen becomes functional, these vitamins are synthesized by rumen microorganisms and practice not usually crave supplementation unless energy and protein balance in the diet is not adequate6.

Feed Sources and Quality - Touch on on Nutrition

Cattle tin can apply a wide multifariousness of feedstuffs. Different feeds accept dissimilar benefits and limitations when information technology comes to supplying nutrients:

  • forages - high in fibre, lower in energy, with varying protein content; examples are hay, grass, greenfeed, silage
  • grains - loftier in energy and low in fibre, moderate to loftier protein content; examples are corn, oats, barley, wheat
  • oilseeds - loftier in protein, high in energy, high in fat, variable fibre content; examples include soybeans, canola meal
  • by-products - variable food content, may be loftier wet; examples are distillers' grains, bakery waste material, grain screenings, hulls

Each of these feeds provides dissimilar nutrients, with each nutrient fulfilling specific roles in cattle growth, maintenance and reproductive health. Balancing food costs with the intended management objectives for the cattle is key. While forages are a foundation of most feeding systems, backgrounders and feedlots volition apply more grains and past-products in their rations. In the cow/calf sector, forages make upwardly the largest portion of the animals' diet, both while grazing during summer and in the wintertime while consuming conserved feeds. Cattle producers ofttimes utilize grains and alternative feeds to provide adequate diet and reduce feed costs. Optimizing the growth rate of rumen microbes to improve fermentation and microbial growth requires a residual of feedstuffs.

Forage is an economical source of nutrients; however, feed quality and mineral content tin can vary widely, and so feed testing and appropriate supplementation may be necessary to run across nutritional requirements. Forage quality straight impacts brute performance, growth, reproduction and profitability. Nigh provender species have the highest quality at the vegetative stage, when leaves are lush and green, and stems are young and supple. At this stage, these forages may be able to supply nearly of the nutrition that the cattle require. Harvesting and feeding loftier quality hay can reduce the amount of supplemental minerals and vitamins that may be required.

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The level of minerals in a forage will depend on many factors including soil type, plant species, stage of growth, the weather, and overall management of the stand. Maturity at harvest, too as harvest techniques and storage will also impact fodder quality. In addition, the absorption of trace minerals from forages in the alimentary canal can exist very low. As Dr. John McKinnon explains in this web log, combative interactions between minerals tin can reduce levels absorbed even further, sometimes even to goose egg.

Depression quality forages generally reduce voluntary intake, which can result in protein and energy deficiencies. When high quality fodder (vegetative growth) is consumed, dry matter intake tends to be ii.5-3.0% of live trunk weight. When forage is of lower quality, dry out matter intake tin drop closer to 1.viii% of torso weight, reducing protein, energy, and mineral consumed. In some instances, when the creature'southward needs are non being met (e.g. feeding a ration containing very low quality forages or straw during cold temperatures in winter), they may really over-consume low quality feed, as they attempt to derive enough energy from the feed. This over-consumption of beefy, low quality feed tin cause compaction, which prevents feed from moving through the digestive tract and can crusade decease. Analyzing feed samples will provide an indication of protein and energy levels available. While feeding lower quality feedstuffs tin be an economical way to stretch feed supplies, producers must monitor consumption and animal condition to avoid potential bug with under or over consumption of low quality feed. Apply of tools such as the Winter Feed Cost Comparison calculator can assist producers with cost comparisons.

Noesis of forage quality and animal requirements is necessary to formulate rations that will back up and maintain a high plane of nutrition. While most producers recognize that grazing forages tin can provide an economical source of diet, the relationship betwixt forage quality and profitability is often unappreciated. Producers must manage grazing in response to environmental conditions and pasture growth during the season to avoid either overgrazing, which reduces forage yield, and nether grazing which tin can lower the overall forage quality due to over-mature vegetation and may as well increase fodder waste product. Proper grazing management can back up both nutrition and profitability.

Factors Affecting Nutrient Requirements

Phase of Production

Nutritional requirements of beef cattle are influenced past the phase of production. This production bicycle, which is based upon a well-managed, good for you cow in good status (Body Condition Score = 3) maximizes profitability by producing a calf every 365 days. The annual production cycle, based upon ideal length of time for each phase, includes:

  1. Calving, postpartum, early lactation (twenty-four hour period 0 to day 82)
  2. Conception, early gestation, late lactation (mean solar day 83 to day 199)
  3. Mid gestation (solar day 200 to day 274)
  4. Tardily gestation, pre-partum (twenty-four hour period 275 to day 365).

Phase 1 - begins at calving. This is the flow of greatest nutritional demand for the cow. She must lactate, repair her reproductive tract, resume heat cycles, breed, and if she is a young cow, she must also continue growth and evolution. Her voluntary feed intake is highest at this betoken and equally this web log explains, she requires a high free energy and protein diet of at least 62% TDN and xi% CP. If she is not fed to see nutritional needs, she volition lose weight and may not rebreed.

Phase 2 - begins with conception. The moo-cow is now supporting herself, her calf (through lactation) and her fetus. Nutritional demands are even so high equally she reaches pinnacle lactation merely are lowered by 8-13% compared to the offset phase. Cows that produce more milk volition have higher food requirements. The fetus is small, and its growth is slow, but cows and heifers often lose weight during this fourth dimension.

Phase iii - is when the cow is in mid-gestation. Immediately after calves are weaned, nutritional needs are at their lowest due to the stop of lactation. Energy and poly peptide requirements drop by up to 35% when compared to the peak demand. Fetal growth remains slow, and voluntary feed intake is the lowest during this period. This is the all-time time to put weight back on cows to help them gain condition10. Meet the trunk condition  information to learn more about how to ensure beefiness cattle are in ideal status.

Phase 4 - is the final phase prior to calving, and cows must be in skilful trunk condition to requite birth to a healthy dogie, produce milk and re-breed apace. Free energy and protein needs increment by 20% compared to mid-gestation. During this period, the fetus can gain up to 60 pounds and the placenta is growing every bit well. Well-nigh 75% of fetal growth occurs during this phasexi. Cows need to proceeds 0.5 kg (1 lb) to 0.68 kg (1.5 lbs) per solar day, while weight proceeds for heifers should target twice that amount. The cow has reduced rumen capacity due to the growth of the calf, so a reduction in feed intake unremarkably occurs in the latter portion of this phase.

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Producers oft modify their feeding strategies during the annual production bike of the beef cow to align with her energy and poly peptide needs as she moves through the cycle. For example, lower quality feeds such as straw reduce costs during Phase 3, when the cow'south nutritional requirements are at her everyman. In Stage 4, as the rumen has less room for feed due to the growing fetus, she volition benefit from higher quality feed such as practiced quality alfalfa hay or some grain to provide extra energy. A common rule of pollex is 55-60-65% for total digestible nutrients (TDN) and 7-nine-xi% for rough protein (CP) for mid gestation, late gestation, and lactation. More than information on nutritional requirements tin be can be found here.

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Producers frequently separate the herd into different feeding groups to tailor the feeding plan to provide an acceptable level of nutrition. These groups may include:

Grouping 1 - Mature cows in proficient condition - Average quality hay supplemented with grain or pellets, minerals, fortified salt and vitamins, will by and large meet the nutritional needs of this group.

Group 2 - Bred replacement heifers and second calf heifers - Young, growing animals practise not compete finer for feed with mature cows. Heifers require skilful quality hay, silage or culling feeds, or grain to meet their needs for growth and development. These animals are still growing and gaining body weight, in add-on to developing the fetus. These animals may benefit from organic (chelated) or hydroxy trace mineral supplements, which have greater bioavailability, to back up growth and reproduction.

Grouping iii - Sparse, old cows - These cows will demand extra energy, particularly during wintertime months. These cattle may do good from additional vitamin and mineral programs to avoid deficiencies.

Group 4 - Yearling steers, bulls - Steers and bulls will require different feeding programs depending on their size and if they are on a maintenance programme or are backgrounding or finishing.

If the ration is based on straw or low-quality hay, or if feed intake is limited, it is even more important to dissever the herd into dissimilar feeding groups to match the nutritional needs of each group. Utilise feed testing and ration balancing software like Cowbytes to determine the appropriate ration and amounts of feed for each grouping.


Cattle require free energy, protein, water, vitamins and minerals in adequate amounts for optimal nutrition. The requirements for these nutrients will vary depending upon the class, age, condition, and stage of production of the animal. Ecology factors will too influence animal nutrition and nutrient levels both in the feed and water sources. Feed costs represent the greatest expense associated with beef production. Nutrition is the most important gene for cow fertility, which is a main driver of profitability. Supplemental vitamin and mineral programs tin can better livestock health, allowed function, performance and fertility.

Each performance is unique; work with a nutritionist to place and correct nutritional deficiencies early, before herd health and profitability is compromised. Identify groups of cattle that may crave additional or customized feeding strategies. Feeding only low-quality feedstuffs to save feed costs will generally increase reproductive losses, unless offset by what is probable to be a more than expensive supplementation programme. A properly balanced ration will improve cattle performance, productivity and ultimately profitability.


Acid detergent fibre (ADF) - a chemical analysis that estimates the full fibre (including boxy lignin) in the feed. A high ADF indicates reduced digestibility and probable lower voluntary feed intake.

Amino acids - nitrogen-containing molecules that are the building blocks used to create protein in the trunk.

Available protein - the portion of crude poly peptide that can be digested past the animal. Information technology represents the proportion of total poly peptide after deducting the ADF-Due north fraction of a feed.

Carbohydrate - a source of dietary energy that includes starches, sugars, pectins, cellulose and hemicellulose. All carbohydrates contain carbon, hydrogen and oxygen, and are usually divided into two types: structural (fibre from institute wall) and non-structural (sugars and starches from plant cell contents).

Cellulose - a gristly saccharide that is the main role of plant prison cell walls.

Chelated mineral - a chemic bond formed betwixt an organic molecule and a mineral that increases mineral bioavailability to the animal and can reduce excretion of excess minerals in manure.

Crude poly peptide (CP) - an guess of the total protein content of a feed determined past analyzing the nitrogen content of the feed and multiplying the effect by six.25. Crude poly peptide includes true protein and non-poly peptide nitrogen sources such as ammonia, amino acids and nitrates.

Digestible energy (DE) - the apparent energy that is available to the brute by digestion, measured as the departure between gross energy content of a feed and the energy contained in the fauna'south feces.

Fat soluble vitamins - stored in the beast's fat reserves or liver, including A, D, E, and Yard.

Hemicellulose - a carbohydrate found in found cell walls that is more complex in structure than sugars but less circuitous than cellulose.

International unit (IU) - a standard unit of potency of a biological agent, such every bit a vitamin, hormone, vaccine, or antibody.

Neutral detergent fibre (NDF) - an insoluble fraction containing all plant jail cell wall components left subsequently humid a feed sample in a neutral detergent solution. A high NDF indicates lower digestibility and voluntary feed intake.

Non-protein nitrogen (NPN) - urea and ammonia are compounds that can be used by the microorganisms in the rumen to form true protein, that tin can then be converted to meat or milk by the animals. When feeding depression quality, depression protein feeds, urea can help the ruminal bacteria to create true protein.

Non-structural carbohydrate - comprised of sugar, starch and pectin, this is the non-NDF fraction of feedstuffs.

Rumen degradable protein (RDP) - the portion of dietary poly peptide that is degraded in the rumen. It feeds the rumen bacteria, supplying microbial protein.

Rumen undegraded poly peptide (RUP) - the portion of dietary protein that escapes degradation by ruminal microorganisms and passes into the pocket-size intestine where it is digested and absorbed.

Structural carbohydrate - the fibrous, jail cell wall or back up structure of the institute, containing cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin.

H2o soluble vitamins - include the B complex vitamins and vitamin C. They are generally not supplemented to cattle afterward ii months of historic period, due to the ability of rumen microbes to manufacture them in adequate amounts12.


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  7. McKinnon, J. 2017. More Questions on Mineral Nutrition. Canadian Cattlemen Magazine.
  8. Drovers. 2011. When to Employ Chelated Trace Minerals.
  9. Bailey, E. 2017. University of Missouri Extension. Vitamins for Beef Cattle.
  10. Hall, J.B. 2009. Nutrition and Feeding of the Moo-cow-Calf Herd:Product Wheel Nutrition and Nutrient Requirements of Cows, Meaning Heifers and Bulls. Virginia Cooperative Extension, Virginia Tech, Virginia Land Academy.
  11.   The Cattle Site. 2013. The Annual Production Cycle. world wide web.thecattlesite.com.
  12. Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs. 2012. Definitions of Feed Manufacturing and Livestock Diet Terms.

This topic was last revised on March 23, 2022 at 7:53 AM.


Source: https://www.beefresearch.ca/research-topic.cfm/beef-cattle-nutrition-107

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